ISO 22000:2018

ISO 22000:2018 - Food safety management systems.

International ISO standard 22000:2018 (БДС EN ISO 22000:2018) sets the requirements for a food safety management system. It allows a food chain organization to demonstrate its ability to control food hazards, to guarantee, that food product, which offers is safe at the time of its human consumption. The food safety management system combines the following generally recognized essential elements to ensure food safety at all levels of the food chain up to the final stage of consumption.:

  • mutual exchange of information;
  • system management;
  • prerequisite programs (DPHP);
  • HACCP principles.

The international standard ISO 22000:2018 (БДС EN ISO 22000:2018) integrates the principles of the hazard analysis system and critical control points (HACCP) and implementation steps, developed by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The standard requires all hazards, for which it is reasonably assumed, that they can occur in the food chain, including hazards, which are specific to an organization and depend on the conditions of production (sale, the premises, used machines and equipment, etc.. to be identified and evaluated).

According to Art. 18 of the Food Act and Art. 70 from the Ordinance 5 for food hygiene, food producers and traders must implement, implement and maintain a food safety management system or a hazard analysis system and critical control points ……

Within the meaning of the Food Act (Additional provisions, § 1, T. 56) food safety management system can be a system, which complies with the Codex Alimentarius and Standard БДС ISO 22000

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